
Figure 1

The three species of penguins in the palmerpenguins dataset. Artwork by @allison_horst.

First targets Workflow

Figure 1

Screenshot of RStudio New Project Wizard menu
The New Project Wizard

Figure 2

Screenshot of RStudio with a newly created project called 'targets-demo' open containing a single file, 'targets-demo.Rproj'
Your newly created project

Figure 3

Illustration of bill (culmen) length and depth. Artwork by @allison_horst.

Loading Workflow Objects

The Workflow Lifecycle

Figure 1

Visualization of the targets worklow, showing 'penguins_data' connected by lines to 'penguins_data_raw', 'penguins_csv_file' and 'clean_penguin_data'

Best Practices for targets Project Organization

Managing Packages

Working with External Files


Parallel Processing

Reproducible Reports with Quarto

Figure 1

Quarto workflow

Deploying Targets on HPC