Source code for pandas_schema.schema

import pandas as pd
import typing

from .errors import PanSchInvalidSchemaError, PanSchArgumentError
from .validation_warning import ValidationWarning
from .column import Column

[docs]class Schema: """ A schema that defines the columns required in the target DataFrame """ def __init__(self, columns: typing.Iterable[Column], ordered: bool = False): """ :param columns: A list of column objects :param ordered: True if the Schema should associate its Columns with DataFrame columns by position only, ignoring the header names. False if the columns should be associated by column header names only. Defaults to False """ if not columns: raise PanSchInvalidSchemaError('An instance of the schema class must have a columns list') if not isinstance(columns, typing.List): raise PanSchInvalidSchemaError('The columns field must be a list of Column objects') if not isinstance(ordered, bool): raise PanSchInvalidSchemaError('The ordered field must be a boolean') self.columns = list(columns) self.ordered = ordered
[docs] def validate(self, df: pd.DataFrame, columns: typing.List[str] = None) -> typing.List[ValidationWarning]: """ Runs a full validation of the target DataFrame using the internal columns list :param df: A pandas DataFrame to validate :param columns: A list of columns indicating a subset of the schema that we want to validate :return: A list of ValidationWarning objects that list the ways in which the DataFrame was invalid """ errors = [] df_cols = len(df.columns) # If no columns are passed, validate against every column in the schema. This is the default behaviour if columns is None: schema_cols = len(self.columns) columns_to_pair = self.columns if df_cols != schema_cols: errors.append( ValidationWarning( 'Invalid number of columns. The schema specifies {}, but the data frame has {}'.format( schema_cols, df_cols) ) ) return errors # If we did pass in columns, check that they are part of the current schema else: if set(columns).issubset(self.get_column_names()): columns_to_pair = [column for column in self.columns if in columns] else: raise PanSchArgumentError( 'Columns {} passed in are not part of the schema'.format(set(columns).difference(self.columns)) ) # We associate the column objects in the schema with data frame series either by name or by position, depending # on the value of self.ordered if self.ordered: series = [x[1] for x in df.iteritems()] column_pairs = zip(series, self.columns) else: column_pairs = [] for column in columns_to_pair: # Throw an error if the schema column isn't in the data frame if not in df: errors.append(ValidationWarning( 'The column {} exists in the schema but not in the data frame'.format( return errors column_pairs.append((df[], column)) # Iterate over each pair of schema columns and data frame series and run validations for series, column in column_pairs: errors += column.validate(series) return sorted(errors, key=lambda e: e.row)
[docs] def get_column_names(self): """ Returns the column names contained in the schema """ return [ for column in self.columns]