Source code for pandas_schema.column

import typing
import pandas as pd

from . import validation
from .validation_warning import ValidationWarning

[docs]class Column: def __init__(self, name: str, validations: typing.Iterable['validation._BaseValidation'] = [], allow_empty=False): """ Creates a new Column object :param name: The column header that defines this column. This must be identical to the header used in the CSV/Data Frame you are validating. :param validations: An iterable of objects implementing _BaseValidation that will generate ValidationErrors :param allow_empty: True if an empty column is considered valid. False if we leave that logic up to the Validation """ = name self.validations = list(validations) self.allow_empty = allow_empty def validate(self, series: pd.Series) -> typing.List[ValidationWarning]: """ Creates a list of validation errors using the Validation objects contained in the Column :param series: A pandas Series to validate :return: An iterable of ValidationError instances generated by the validation """ return [error for validation in self.validations for error in validation.get_errors(series, self)]